Sunday, February 24, 2013

[Lyrics] SID - V.I.P

Here are the lyrics to SID's 2012 single, VIP.

Just some thoughts: There is a lot of interesting imagery to this song. There were ways to express them smoothly in English, but there were some nuances that don't transfer well. I wish I could cloud-share what hear, so that everyone else could understand the song to the fullest. 

SID - V.I.P [English Translation]

Now I have it all in my grasp
If the booming cheers are music to your ears
Then come on, dive in

"I’m going to make a change, tomorrow”
“He’s already given up”
“It’s just how things work here”

Guys swept up in this are just scraps of the real deal
Nobody needs them

Strangely, nobody on the other side
Dares call themselves a V.I.P.
We’re all at the end of our wits

But now I have it all I want in my grasp
Just relax, the wheel’s in good hands
Count down to three for
The Show Time
If the booming cheers are music to your ears
Then come on, dive in

I’d rather look up at despair in the eyes
Than laugh at those below me
It’s OK to say you want “More”

To the guys with their noses in the air
Putting numbers on everything
How do I rate now? Well?

Strangely, nobody on the other side
Dares call themselves a V.I.P.
Everyone’s at the end of their wits
Even me

Unlike a crisp staccato
Life’s journey is not so clear cut
As I think back to my dreams
I wonder what my younger self would think of this scene
And, shoot them out!

Now I have it all in my grasp
If the booming cheers are music to your ears
Then come on, dive in

SID VIP [Japanese]

憧れを 今 掴んだ
大歓声の鉛に 心地よく撃たれたなら
さあ 飛び込もう

明日から生まれ変わるとか 誰かが見切りつけたとか

そんなものに流され続けて 角の取れた原石には
きっと 誰も用はない

不思議と 扉の向こうには V.I.P 名乗るやつはなく
誰もが 苦悩の果てさ

憧れを 今 掴んだ
身を委ねればいい 舵はこの手に
3つ数えて The show time
大歓声の鉛に 心地よく撃たれたなら
さあ 飛び込もう

下を見て 笑うよりも 上を見て 絶望したい
「もっと」 口癖がいい
音に数字をつけたがる 嗅覚に長けた あの人へ
今 俺はいくつだい? 聞かせて

不思議と 扉の向こうには V.I.P 名乗るやつはなく
誰もが 苦悩の果てさ 俺も

スタッカートに 刻んだ
歯切れよく歩いた 道じゃないけど
そっと 願いをこめた
あの日の少年は 今 この景色 何、想うだろう?
さあ 撃ち抜け

憧れを 今 掴んだ

身を委ねればいい 舵はこの手に
3つ数えて The show time
大歓声の鉛に 心地よく撃たれたなら
さあ 飛び込もう

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